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The analytics module provides the sendAnalyticsEvent function as the way to fire events in the browser. These events are often related to ecommerce tracking capabilities. By default, the sendAnalyticsEvent suggests (via IntelliSense) and inforces (via TypeScript) Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data model.

sendAnalyticsEvent does not send events to any analytics provider. It is merely a way to centralize and aggregate tracking events. To intercept events fired with this function, use the hook useAnalyticsEvent. This function also supports sending custom events.

How to use​

To fire a supported GA4 event:

import { useCallback } from 'react'
import { sendAnalyticsEvent } from '@faststore/sdk'

const MyComponent = () => {
const addToCartCallback = useCallback(() => {
/* ... */

const addToCartEvent = {
type: 'add_to_cart',
data: {
items: [
/* ... */

}, [])

return <button onClick={addToCartCallback}>Add to cart</button>


The sendAnalyticsEvent function was built using generics, which means you can extend default types and override the default ones, obtaining the same suggestions and enforcements as you would with a natively supported event.

To provide a custom type referecence for sendAnalyticsEvent, do the following

import { sendAnalyticsEvent } from '@faststore/sdk'

interface CustomEvent {
name: 'custom_event'
params: {
customProperty?: string

* We're passing the CustomEvent to sendAnalyticsEvent. As you type, you'll receive code suggestions for all the properties of this type, including params subfields.
sendAnalyticsEvent<CustomEvent>(/* ... */)

This is most commonly used to fire custom events or native events with custom properties in it. For more details, read the How to extend and customize native types and How to send custom events docs.

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